Monday, November 3, 2008

FBM | Mini Road Trip Edit

Crandall Sent me a link to this dialed FBM web video today. Its of a mini road trip some of the guys on the team took with Devin Feil of Pegleg. Devin Filmed it and its not bad ,plus as Crandall made sure to let me know "new FBM web vid, and Big head is in it....", referring to Aaron is in it so it has to be rad.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Defgrip Original | Nasty

This amazing feature was posted on defgrip. It's a video interview with Cory Nastazio and it's really insightful. Eye opening to say the least.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Shadow | Into the Void

You can see the preview of this video on the Shadow Conspiracy Website. I'll be amazed if it isn't amazing... really one of the most amazing teams in BMX.

Friday, October 31, 2008

Extent | Cougar Tee

I love extent, I love Brad dude, and I love this shirt, so go buy it on the Extent online store, and check out all their other rad t-shirt designs.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Bicycle Union | Clint Reynolds Interview

This is an awesome interview with one of the the best riders ever. See what he has to say and also check out some sweet photos of him shredding.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Mike Aitken | Updates

There is just about an update everyday on Mike Aitken on Allot of ups and downs, but progress is progress and he's really an inspiration and I really wish the best.