Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
First Hand with Nick Ferreira
Heres an interview with Nick and a few spreads from Holeshot's latest issue. Read on, then head on over to to buy a copy, and pick up a tshirt while you are at it. You can see more from Nick over on ESPN, and also at his photo blog Get Some.
Monday, December 21, 2009
Ben Wentzel Gallery on ESPN
TLP homeboy Ben Wentzel has a gallery of photos over on the ESPN site. Some rad shots from the streets of Philadelphia. Yeah Ben!
Saturday, December 19, 2009
Friday, December 18, 2009
Marky T Orchid Bio
Catty Woods local, anti-technology advocate, and naked party animal, Marky T, is getting flow from Orchid footwear. Go check out his bio over on the Orchid site.
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Fez: Photo Booth
Johnny from RideUK sent over a link to a new photo booth feature they did with Chris "Fez" Wilson. Definitely a few timeless shots, so check it out.
Friday, December 11, 2009
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Monday, December 7, 2009
Friday, December 4, 2009
Thursday, December 3, 2009
First Hand with Doug Foulke
Sekt is a new clothing company from the mind of Doug Foulke, complete with some gnar designs and a crew of sick men, including wiz, robbo, cardona, and matty aquizap. See for yourself here, then go check out the rest of what Sekt has to offer.
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
FBM | New Product Flip Book
Once again another awesome flip book from FBM of their new product line for 2010 including frames, hard goods and soft goods. The flip book also features a few shots of some of their more recent team riders doing their thing. Click the flick above to check it out!
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Kosman on Fuel
Justin Kosman has a nice photo feature over on Fuel. Check it out for some great photos and insight from one of BMX's best shooters.
John Dye on ESPN
Just spreading the word about this interview I did with John Dye on ESPN concerning his new shop Volt and Bicycle Union.
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Ride BMX issue 161
Check out that downside whip at Catty. Fucking sick! The new ride seems like its going to be a good one. Go see whats inside.
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Mos Bueno?!?
Chester hit me up with a link to his photo site Mos Bueno. Tons of rad lifestyle photos from along the way, with some BMX mixed in. Definitely worth a look. Pure life.
Monday, November 23, 2009
Case BMX launch party
The premiere issue of Case BMX Magazine is about to drop. To celebrate Case BMX founder Mike Netley is throwing a launch party in South Hampton, UK. Be on the look out for a copy of the mag any day now.
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Souney Media
Jared Souney just redesigned the website for his studio Souney Media. Check out his work with fresh new format.
Friday, November 20, 2009
I <3 My Bicycle
Joe Stakun, producer of I Love My Bicycle : The Story of FBM, just informed me that the film is available for pre-order. He also made a new, really exciting trailer for the film. Make sure you check the trailer out, even if you previously have seen the film, it is awesome!
Thursday, November 19, 2009
New Props | Issue 74
So I just had the pleasure of checking out Props 74 which is the newest issue of Props to date at 2x4 today. Over all the entire video was dope but the two stand out parts that really brought it home for myself were the FBM Road Trip and Darryl Nau's Day In the Life. I'd recommend picking up a copy for your own personal collection for sures! You can purchase it here or if in the area swing by 2x4 Philadelphia to peep it and or purcahse a copy.
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
First-hand | Floyd
Here is an interview Grady and I did with Floyd. We did this a little while ago, but were having some trouble getting it on the site, anyway, here it is. Floyd is a fun dude to chill and ride with and is not afraid to put in work in front or behind the lens. Be sure to check out this trailer for Floyd's upcoming DVD entitled Jerry Vid. Big thanks to Grady for the lifestyle photos and help with the interview.
Monday, November 16, 2009
PA Woods 10 Year DVD
Janis just finished up the latest DVD from PA Woods. This one celebrates the 10 year anniversary, and offers a bit of a different twist. Click the pic to get all the details and order yourself a copy.
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Halloween Jam/Train Contest
Video and more photos from the halloween jam at the beury patch on Heathens. Check the TLP train in the first clip.
Friday, November 13, 2009
Zeal Roadtrip
Adam Hough sent through this link to a Dig exclusive video from the Zeal Crew edited by Sean Pointing. Some kick ass riding from two Halloween jams all set to a good tune.
Eastern La Revolution
Karl sent through a link to a slideshow of photos from Eastern Bikes La Revolution Tour to France and Spain. It looks like it was a blast. Check out Karl's blog for some extra insight on the trip.
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Ty Morrow and Dan Lacey Web Edit
Ty Morrow and Dan Lacey shred again in another awesome web edit set in Barcleona, Spain. And just as a refresher here is their older edit that was ridiculously amazing right here. Both of these are my favorite edits on the web.
Fit Web Video and Stay Fit Premiere Updates
Fit had just put up a web video of a Jam that went on at King's Ride Shop. And speaking of 2x4, Fit had posted up pictures from the trail Jam and Stay Fit premiere that went on this past weekend. Good stuff.
New Team Bios | Orchid BMX
Orchid has been pumping with updates recently. New team members, new team bios, and new awesome web edits all on the regular. Check it all out here.
ESPN Hoffman Feature
Check out EPSN's Truth to Me on BMX God Matt Hoffman for a retrospective video, photo gallery, interview, and some interesting insider info. A must see.
Fuel interviews Tunney
Andrew Brady of Fuel TV contucted a pretty interesting interview with Brian Tunney. Click the image to get your fix of BMX journalism.
Sputnic Skyline
Sputnic is about to drop Tony Neyer's signature frame entitled Skyline. Get all the specs on it here.
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Monday, November 9, 2009
Rolling Image
Rolling Image features some nice BMX photography from UK and beyond. Fellow world traveler Adam Hough (pictured above) has a few nice ones on the site. Check it.
Sunday, November 8, 2009
JPR is back at it with Boxed Wine Fiasco. Check out his most recent post entitled, Industrial Strength Hype, an interesting point of view on the BMX scene/industry.
Saturday, November 7, 2009
FBM Ebay Sale for Catty
If you or anyone you know is in the market for a new complete FBM Executioner, Catty Woods is auctioning one off for the trails fund on Ebay. Thanks to Cutters Bike Shop for donating the bike.
Friday, November 6, 2009
2x4 | Trail Jam/Stay Fit Premiere
Don't forget that the place to be tomorrow is at 2x4 in Pennsville, NJ for a trail jam all day long followed by the premiere of "Stay Fit". Should be good times for sure, hopefully see ya there!
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Eclat 2010 Product Catalog
Eclat has there 2010 catalog available to view as a flipbook. As usually they have some very fresh looking stuff. Also check out this review I did on Eclat's pedals and cranks a while back.
Monday, November 2, 2009
The Photobook Facelift
James Wade gave his photobook project a bit of a facelift. Also, make sure to check out the October issue which was completed a few days ago. Lookin' fresh.
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Fit Eddie V3 | Flip Book
New American made Eddie V3 frames are officially done! Click the flick above to check out a flip book of Eddie's new frame, these things look awesome! [spotted on fit]
Friday, October 30, 2009
Orchid Flowbee Vid
Derek sent through this rad welcome video of new Orchid flow teamsters Dave Krone and Brian Histand. Support rider owned companies.
Thursday, October 29, 2009
The Come Up Exclusive Shadow Edit
Be sure to check out this edit on TCU from Shadow's summer Philly trip. Looks of sick street action from Kimbrough, Poynter, Bates, and Devlin.
HS Welcomes Troy Merkle
Hardcore Sportz welcomes a new rider to their already impressive team. Check a pretty cool flickr feature for some Q and A with Troy Merkle.
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Photos from the Heathens Jam this past weekend. Started out soggy, but turned out being an awesome day.
Chris Martindale | MacNeil Bike Check
To be honest i cant remember how i ended up coming across this today but i did and thought it was cool. Bike check of Chris Martindale for MacNeil. Click the flick above for the video.
Dig Issue 73
The new issue of Dig just dropped. It looks likes it going to be another great issue. Go subscribe or pick up a copy.
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