New American made Eddie V3 frames are officially done! Click the flick above to check out a flip book of Eddie's new frame, these things look awesome! [spotted on fit]
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Fit Eddie V3 | Flip Book
New American made Eddie V3 frames are officially done! Click the flick above to check out a flip book of Eddie's new frame, these things look awesome! [spotted on fit]
Friday, October 30, 2009
Orchid Flowbee Vid
Derek sent through this rad welcome video of new Orchid flow teamsters Dave Krone and Brian Histand. Support rider owned companies.
Thursday, October 29, 2009
The Come Up Exclusive Shadow Edit
Be sure to check out this edit on TCU from Shadow's summer Philly trip. Looks of sick street action from Kimbrough, Poynter, Bates, and Devlin.
HS Welcomes Troy Merkle
Hardcore Sportz welcomes a new rider to their already impressive team. Check a pretty cool flickr feature for some Q and A with Troy Merkle.
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Photos from the Heathens Jam this past weekend. Started out soggy, but turned out being an awesome day.
Chris Martindale | MacNeil Bike Check
To be honest i cant remember how i ended up coming across this today but i did and thought it was cool. Bike check of Chris Martindale for MacNeil. Click the flick above for the video.
Dig Issue 73
The new issue of Dig just dropped. It looks likes it going to be another great issue. Go subscribe or pick up a copy.
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
JTML's Duffs Forge
Get the low-down on Jimmy Levan's new signature Duffs shoe from the man himself. The Forge sounds like its built especially for BMX.
Vital Roots | Ron Wilkerson
Check out this rad video on Vital by Glen PP entitled "Roots" for a discussion with BMX legend and pioneer Ron Wilkerson.
Monday, October 26, 2009
Wolfman | Petaluma Edit
Super dope edit of none other then the Wolfman himself shralping the Petaluma, CA park. Put together by Andrew McMullen while on a cross country trip from Bellingham, WA to New York. Check out his blog for more updates as well as cool photos. [spotted on Defgrip]
Tom Sanders | United Edit
New web edit welcoming Tom Sanders to the United team. No relation to Barry Sanders but still 100% bad ass! [spotted on United] Filmed and edited and by Joe Cox.
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Check out this UK based company. They have some pretty good looking shirts and a solid team. Stay tuned for the release of a Van Homan inspired design.
Rebel Yell
Rebel Yell is a BMX Mag from Australia. They have a fairly new site, with some stuff still under construction. There is some cool stuff on there, and it seems like much more to come. Thanks to Adam for the link.
Friday, October 23, 2009
Zuper Market Flat Jam
Thomas Hirch sent through some info about a flatland jam going on in Trier German at a new spot called Projeck-X Skatehalle. They are also holding a photo exhibition on conjunction with the jam and skatehalle opening. Be sure to check it out if you are in the area.
Volt BMX
Volt BMX is a new London based shop being opened by John Dye of Bicycle Union. The website is not complete yet, but the official opening is tomorrow Oct 24th. The shop is located at 2 Cazenove Road Stoke Newington London N166BD. They are also having a bunny hop comp at 3pm. Go check it out.
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Devon | Photo Updates coming through again with some new badass photos of Sexton, Cardona, and Stefan Lantschner.
9th St. Halloween Jam
Every year the 9th Street crew in ATX throw a Halloween Jam. I spotted this years flyer on the Vclub site, and thought it was pretty rad. Be there if you can.
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Vinyl | New Website
The new Vinyl site just went up. Vinyl might be my favorite bmx site and always has amazing updates. Check it now and check it frequently.
Panamoka Jam Rescheduled
Terra sent over and email saying the Panamoka Jam is rescheduled to Sunday Oct 25th. If you are on or around Long lsland, check it out. All the money from the raffle goes to the Catty Woods fund. Support. Maybe you will even win a TLP tshirt!
Red Bull | Reservoir Dogs
Unbelievable edit of Sebastian Keep, Dan Lacey and Ben Hennon making dreams come true. Filmed and edited by Edd Allen who is also responsible for "Brighton Ain't Ready" which was truly an awesome idea and amazing film. [found on Ride UK] Here's another good one w/ Bas Keep keeping it real w/ companions Seth Kimbrough and Jon Taylor all doing it for Hoffman Bikes and Seventies Distro. Filmed and edited by Charlie Jobling.
FBM Gypsy Frame | Flip Book
Super cool flip book w/ specs on FBM's new Gypsy frame, tons of travel photos and a bunch of team riders killing it. If this isn't bad ass i haven't a clue as to what is. [spotted on FBM] Speaking of bad ass- Tom Blyth/FBM Web Edit that's a bit old but still one of my favorites.
Friday, October 16, 2009
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Eastern Bikes D.O.B. Video Premiere!
Video premiere of the Eastern Bike's The Death of Fun video at Hardcore Sportz tomorrow night @ 8 PM!
FBM | Steadfast Frame
Click on the pic above to see the specs and some more photos of FBM's new 2010 Steadfast Trail Frame as well as some sweet trail pics. [came across this on FBM]
Villij Jam on ESPN
Check out this little write up and gallery I did for ESPN on the Villij trails jam from last weekend. Good times.
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Heathen session this past Sunday.. Good to see some old faces around again.. shout out to Block and to Ron For getting back on it.
Ryan Hillegass | 540 Curved Wallride
Check out this insane video of of Ryan Hillegass pulling the 540 curved wallride that he built at Northampton skate park. Hillegass is the man. Someone sponsor him.
Monday, October 12, 2009
Josh Harrington | Premium Edit
I don't know Josh Harrington by any means at all, but I'm sure he has to be one of coolest and nicest dudes on a bmx bike let alone being one of the best. Premium had just released an awesome edit which features insight on Josh's life since his injury filming for his video and alot of awesome riding. This guy rules.
Friday, October 9, 2009
Keith Terra LI Trail Gallery
Check out this gallery on ESPN from trail rider and photographer Keith Terra. It features some great shots from the Long Island trail scene. And don't forget about the Panamoka Jam on Oct. 17.
BMX Photo Exhibition in Russia
James Beattie sent over this flyer for a BMX photography group show in Russia at Mel Gallery. You probably wont be able to read the website, but check it out anyway.
MacNeil | Wolfman Team Page
New Wolfman team page w/ some awesome photos. [spotted on MacNeil] Also here's another oldie but goody showing you what the wolf does best.
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Troy Merkle web video
HERE is Troy Merkle's latest web video. The last clip says it all. Not only have I been a fan of Troy's creative and unique outlook on riding, but also his positive and out going attitude. This dude is rad.
HS Local Bike Checks
Click HERE to view the first installment with HS Local Clay Sizemore. Look for more bike checks of the locals from our shop coming soon.
Daulton Jones Benefit Jam.
A benefit jam for Eastern rider Phil Jones brother Daulton is going down the day after the Eastern Bikes video premiere. Click HERE for the complete story and details.
Eastern Bikes World Video Premiere
The world premiere of the Eastern Bikes video titled, "The Death of Fun" is happening this Saturday. Click HERE for complete details. There's also going to be a warehouse ramp session with a best trick contest and live performances by Tyrannis and Luci Brazi. View the latest trailer for the video HERE.
2x4 | Jump Off Jam/ Stay Fit Premiere
2x4 Jam/Stay Fit Premiere at 2x4 in Pennsville, NJ on Nov 7th. Click the pic above for more details.
TLP | Weekend at The Belmar and Rocky's
We took a little road trip up to FBM's Battle at the Belmar in Binghamton, NY with a stop at Rocky's in Towanda, PA on the way. Here is a flip book of photos I shot though out the weekend. Click the image to go full screen. Enjoy.
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Matty Long | Volume Web Edit
Pretty sweet edit of Matty Long for his new sponsor Volume Bikes. [spotted on Volume] Here's the famous Matty Long defgrip edit that got him onto Volume to begin with. Both edits filmed and edited by Chris Long.
Ray's Revisited
Here a flipbook of photos from a roadtrip we took to Ray's in December 2008. Winter is approaching fast, so here is a reminder of the fun you can have, even if its too cold to ride outside. Check this out in the features section.
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Mark P | PA Trail Jam
New video of Mark P's Trail Jam that took place a few weeks back right outside of Pittsburgh, PA. Filmed and edited by Bobby Valentine. [spotted on the deluxe site]
Monday, October 5, 2009
Lotek | Web Edit
New edit featuring Dustin Mata, Wolfman and Kurtis Elwell courtesy of Lotek. Click their names above for a friendly reminder of what these dudes are all about-
Fly Bikes | Plastic Ruben Pedals
Fly's new PC Ruben pedal which unlike the metal Ruben pedal which retails for $99.99, these new PC Ruben pedals will retail for half the price at $49.99. Just kidding but these do look sweet! [found on the fly site]
Panamoka | Trails Jam
The locals at Panamoka trails are throwing a jam in support of Catty Woods at their trails in Long Island, NY. A bunch of sponsors, including us, are donating products which will be raffled off. Go have fun, on or off your bike, and support the trail scene and BMX scene in general. You might just win something.
Saturday, October 3, 2009
Terrible One | 2010 Goodies
Super pumped for T-1's new line up of hard and soft goods for 2010! They have a new distributor as well taking care of them so hopefully you'll be seeing more from T-1 then ever before. Get stoked!
Hoffman Bike 2010 Products
Check out Hoffman Bikes 2010 product line. It includes this throwback flaming H tshirt as well as full range of completes, frames, parts, and soft goods.
Fellow BMXer and dear friend Ben Kanclerowitz was victim to a hit and run. The accident caused him to suffer brain trama. He has been in the hospital for several weeks, with more time to go. Although he is recovering, it will be a long process. Him and his family could use any help you have to offer in paying his medical bills and getting Ben through this. If you are in the Austin area tonight, please attend this event at Shakespeare's. For anyone else, you can help an amazing person in need by donating through paypal to an account his family has set up at . Your support will be greatly appreciated.
Friday, October 2, 2009
Joe Simon | Shooter Showcase
Mutiny bikes co-owner Joe Simon is quite amazing behind the lens. Check out his shooter showcase on the cinevate website to get some insight on Joe's shooting.
Niki Croft | Orchid Web Edit
New web edit of Niki Croft that's seriously bad ass! [found on the orchid site] Also peep the new mesh hats orchid just came out with as well that also look bad ass.
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