Tuesday, December 22, 2009

First Hand with Nick Ferreira

Heres an interview with Nick and a few spreads from Holeshot's latest issue. Read on, then head on over to holeshotbmx.net to buy a copy, and pick up a tshirt while you are at it. You can see more from Nick over on ESPN, and also at his photo blog Get Some.

Monday, December 21, 2009

Ben Wentzel Gallery on ESPN

TLP homeboy Ben Wentzel has a gallery of photos over on the ESPN site. Some rad shots from the streets of Philadelphia. Yeah Ben!

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Terrible 1 Freaky Zine

For T1's latest freaky friday email, they sent out a full e-zine. Definitely worth a look.

Friday, December 18, 2009

Marky T Orchid Bio

Catty Woods local, anti-technology advocate, and naked party animal, Marky T, is getting flow from Orchid footwear. Go check out his bio over on the Orchid site.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Fez: Photo Booth

Johnny from RideUK sent over a link to a new photo booth feature they did with Chris "Fez" Wilson. Definitely a few timeless shots, so check it out.

Friday, December 11, 2009


Limited number of THE LAST PEOPLE shirts online now. Running out FAST!!!

Monday, December 7, 2009

Chase Dehart | 2x4 Section

Chase Dehart's section from the all amazing 2x4 video is now up on the 2x4.com.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

First Hand with Doug Foulke

Sekt is a new clothing company from the mind of Doug Foulke, complete with some gnar designs and a crew of sick men, including wiz, robbo, cardona, and matty aquizap. See for yourself here, then go check out the rest of what Sekt has to offer.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

FBM | New Product Flip Book

Once again another awesome flip book from FBM of their new product line for 2010 including frames, hard goods and soft goods. The flip book also features a few shots of some of their more recent team riders doing their thing. Click the flick above to check it out!

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Kosman on Fuel

Justin Kosman has a nice photo feature over on Fuel. Check it out for some great photos and insight from one of BMX's best shooters.

John Dye on ESPN

Just spreading the word about this interview I did with John Dye on ESPN concerning his new shop Volt and Bicycle Union.