Sunday, December 26, 2010

ALYK. | Website & Video Premieres

Is a crew that is mostly Ohio based and is releasing their first DVD, which is to premiere in Akron first and then Brooklyn. Head over to their site for videos, shirts, and knowledge.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Group Home

Ed Pollio sent over this photo gallery of some pretty funny and random photos over on group home bikes, a site that covers the Staten Island and greater NYC scene.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

For the Kids

What a great idea, pretty funny too. Check out Colony

Robbo Robinson

Check out this interview and photo gallery I did with Robbo about his visit to PA for ESPN. The dude knows how to rip it up.

Friday, December 3, 2010

King of New York Documentary

Danny and Ed sent over this short documentary that the crew at Protagonist put together on this past summers KoNY.
Also, straight from the source - The 2011 King of New York dates have just been announced - mark your calendars for August 6-7, 2011! Keep an eye out for limited edition King of New York t-shirts and hats in time for the event too.
The King of New York always comes through with something unique every year. KoNY Sport Organizer and Baby Bean owner Danny Parks has been working with King Midas Films on their plans for a full-length feature film to be shot in New York City in 2011.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Get well soon Marky T

I wish you the speediest recovery, Mark. This a tough time, but I am grateful that we did not lose both of you. Love you brother.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Robbo in PA

Mutiny and Robbo came through with awesome edit. Everything about this edit is incredible, riding, filming and editing. Check out Mutiny's vimeo.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Trail Jam Video Round 2

Hit up the Heathens blog for some new footage of the trail jam this year. And if you didn't see it the first time around, this photo is from Ryan Scott's awesome photo feature of the same jam. Heathens also have up a video of Tomas Kudrnac that's pretty rad.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Eric Jensen | ESPN Would You Rather?

Check out this piece I did with Eric Jensen for ESPN. A couple of posh photos and some "would you rather" q and a.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Holeshot 8

Nick Ferr sent over this flyer for the lastest issue of Holeshot zine, which you can order here. Also check out this feature on The Least Most, which features a bunch of images from the zine as well as Holeshot's section in FBM's Gypsy Caravan 3. Support something real, by bmxer for bmxers.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Beury Patch I Trail Jam

A few weeks ago we made our way back to the patch for another awesome jam. The locals never fail, their jams are always a good time. Photo master Ryan Scott documented the trip, check it out.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

T1 | Aussie Aussie Aussie

Jamie Moore of Stowaway sent over this rad video of Russ Brindley and Leigh Giason ripping in Australia. I lived with Leigh for a good amount of time while he was in America a few years back. It good to see he is still getting loose, brings a smile to my face. What a duo these two are! I will make it down under one day, I promise.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Anthem II | 12.01.10

I cannot wait to see this. Be sure to check out the trailer and the Anthem site.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Norman | Edit

James Beattie sent through this nicely shot and edited short of his friend Norman busting some moves. He claims there is more to come, so stay tuned.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

A 3rd Wave | A Slideshow


Doug sent over this link to the Sekt website, which I had not seen before. Their designs are awesome, so check it out. And if you missed the interview I did with Doug about Sekt, check it here.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Bike Tour | PA to VA

I rode my bike from Northampton, PA to Richmond, VA a few weeks ago. Here is the story and photos in three parts. Hope you enjoy.

Erik Elstran | Dragon Shredit

Some of us had the pleasure of viewing the Bicycle Film Festival edit of this, I strongly recommend you check out the BMX program in the nearest city This edit is just as open-minded, and I love it.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Aaron Buckley Photography

Photo portfolio from TLP homeboy, all-around great guy, motorcycle crash survivor, and recent Ohio transplant Aaron Shelby Buckley.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Gypsy Caravan 3 | A Flipbook & Trailer

Leading by example. Here's more proof or a trailer. Looks like it was a blast.


I remember taking the bottom photo and thinking "Now what do I do?". For years many of TLP and I spent every ridable day at Magic. You knew if you showed up, there was always a crew there. We rode all day, lit the place with headlights at night, made fires in the cold, shoveled snow in the winter. Magic was smooth like trails but a cheese grater if you went down. This video isn't a fair representation of what Magic held, but sure does bring back come good memories. TLP Vimeo

Monday, September 20, 2010

Dah Rail Jam | A Video Highlight

I wasn't able to go, but I obviously missed out. Video by Brian Tunney

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Boston Trip

Sorry Ptown crew, we were a little late on this one. A few friends of TLP went on a Boston street trip a few months back and came up with a pretty rad edit.

Heathens Train Jam

The Heathens are throwing the 2nd annual train jam at the Beury Patch on Oct 9, 2010. Their jams are always a good time, I wouldn't miss this one. Get your train team ready and be there.

Friday, September 10, 2010

More Catty Jam Photos

TLP friend/photographer Ryan Scott posted some photos from the the Catty Jam. Check out his blog.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Hardcore Sportz Street Jam | Slideshow

All of us at HS are proud to present photos showcasing the good times that were had at my shop's annual street jam. Thanks again to everyone who came. Be on the look out for another event in the near future. Karl Poynter

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Catty Woods Labor Day Jam | Snaps

Catty Woods crew held a Labor Day weekend jam to celebrate trail riding and to help raise money for their trail insurance bills. It was a great time. Here are some photos I snapped through out the day. Enjoy.

ESPN, Vinyl, Verde | Yeagle Bio, Part I

Here's a photo Clint Reynolds took before the Catty Jam and prior to our cross quarry morning swim. Yeagle (pictured on the left & closest to the water) managed to scale the hot and crumbling slate wall, and then leaped approximately 20 feet into cool water. After which, he and others went spelunking into the deep, and dark caves for several minutes.
For further unadulterated inspiration and to learn a little more about the man, check this video out at ESPN.

Monday, August 30, 2010

Flash | Interview on ESPN

Here is a interview Mark Noble did with Jay "Flash" Crosson, discussing the upcoming Catty Labor Day jam. I shot the photos which were also previously featured in this story from the Catty Memorial Day Jam.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Labor Day Jam

Catty is having a jam September 4th. God out and support the woods, keep this awesome place alive. Raffles, food and good times. Check out PAWOODS for more info.

Friday, August 27, 2010


Check out Mutiny's Vimeo. This new Robbo/Roe edit is ridiculous. Someone in the US needs to build some parks like these.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

YAWN | Cult Bikes Walk Through

This is really, really cool. Robbie Morales walks you through everything over at Cult and gives insight on the brand (even the controversial logo) and the future of what is in store for Cult. Also riding too...(DAK DAK DAK)

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Brian Hunt in Columbia

I had the pleasure of meeting Brian Hunt recently. That dude rips and is chillin as all hell. Check out this edit of him in Columbia.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

King of New York 2010

The King of New York comp is this weekend with street and flat on Sat. in Tompkins and dirt on Sunday at Cunningham. Get there.

Brian Foster | Hallway of Truth

Here is a quick clip of the Blue Falcon himself shot by Grady Corbitt through the hallway of truth at Catty.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Pennsylvania | Let's Get Mystical

I hope you love this like I do. It's even better in HD! Thanks to Robbo, Mutiny, Posh locals, and to the Pawoods crew and friends for their hard work. I can't wait to ride Catty again with Briz this Saturday. Hope to see you there. I'll be the guy hugging the right side of the trails in full-on easy mode. Donate to Catty and get a shirt here.

Monday, July 26, 2010

VBS Meets Mat Hoffman

VBS.TV, Johnny Knoxville, and Mat Hoffman collaborated and made this nice promotional video. You can watch The Birth of Big Premiere on ESPN this coming Thursday (7/29) @ 7pm. Make a big deal out of it. Hire a band, make popcorn, get family sized packs of candy, watch it outdoors, take notes, and answer questions for family and friends after the film. This is a must watch!

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Catty Woods Tshirts

Go buy a new Catty Woods t-shirt. They are awesome. All the proceeds go towards our $12,000 yearly insurance bill. Support.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Trails in Downtown Philly

Some friends of TLP have been working on a set of trails for the past year or so in Fairmount Park in downtown Philly. The place looks like it is coming along great. If you already ride trails, then you are probably stoked, and if not, here is your chance to start. Don't be scared to get your bike dirty.

Monday, July 5, 2010

Mountain Jam

Thanks to the Heathens for throwing yet another awesome jam in the mountains. Few of the TLP crew were in attendance, most notably Derek Brower who won the biggest bad ass of the day award for shutting down every line. He's going to be hopped up on Monster for the next 365. FBM also has a few photos up from the jam.

Friday, July 2, 2010

TLP Exclusive Interview | Justin Simpson

I've been sitting on this for a while, and for the sake of Friday I've decided to put up the first part of the interview I did with Justin when I was in Ohio this past winter. I'm going to put up the second part next Friday and the third the following. There is no riding in this one, but none the less it is still interesting being we were very intoxicated haha. Tune in for more next week! And also make sure to check out his PROPS BIO!

Thursday, July 1, 2010

TLP Photo Feature | Ryan Scott

Ryan is an awesome dude. He's real modest about his photography and riding, but both speak for themselves. Check out his work.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Jon Vozzo & Derek Brower | Ohio Disaster Trip Edit

This was a debatable post, but fuck it. So the story behind this was once Derek and I decided to leave for a trip to Ohio in the middle of the worst blizzard that hit the east coast in years. For some reason we thought we would make it no problem. We were wrong and we got stuck in over 24 hours of dead stop traffic on the turnpike. Yeah, you heard right. Luckily we had food and an entire case of Miller High Life. So it wasn't too bad. So we got there late and stayed at our boy Justin's place and got real loose and then rode for one day super hung over. Short and sweet.

Monday, June 28, 2010

Believe Me, It's Fun | TLP Short Film

This short film was a late submission for DEFGRIP's BMX
Shorts program at the 2010 Bicycle Film Festival. BMXers were asked
after a couple of tricks what BMX is all about. Presented are their
talents, and a few thoughts on the streets of NYC. Thanks to everyone who helped out with this little project.

Friday, June 25, 2010

Justin Simpson | Props Bio

Oh Snap. Props just put up Justin Simpson's Bio. I guess now is a good time to say that I also have an hour long drunken interview with Justin that I still need to put up from this past winter. It needs some more BMX stunts before it could go up. So Justin, if you're reading this you know what I neeeeeeeed!! Anyway check out this and more over at . Live that High Life Boy!

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Sammy Vital BMX Edit

This is Sammy. I rode with Sammy over the winter months at some indoor places and he is such a shredder. He recently upgraded to a regular 20 inch bike and I just rode with him last week and he seems to be getting better and better. I seriously love watching him ride and he is such a rad and nice little kid. I was so pumped when I found this video on Vital.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Snaps | Scenes from the Bicycle Film Fest

This past weekend the Bicycle Film Festival kicked off in its home city of NYC. It was the tenth anniversary for the BFF and despite not having any big sponsors, they really out did any BFF I'd previously attended. The weekend kicked off early in true New York City fashion on a Thursday night with the Joyride art gallery show. I had some photos displayed in this, so it was kind of a big deal for me. Friday kicked off the actual films at the Anthology Film Archives in the lower east side. The TLP crew was present for the late night showing of The Birth of Big Air. If you have not seen it yet, do your self a favor, Mat Hoffman is the man. Saturday brought the street party, where vendors set up booths to promote their goods and different styles of bike riding were show cased. Post Bike Shop sponsored the BMX portion, which consisted of a demo, a bunnyhop comp and the ever exciting long jump comp. Anson Whellie took the win in long jump with Jon Lynn coming in at a close second. Defending champ, Big James popped his way to a win in bunnyhop. Thrash Bike also came through big with a big box jump double and quarter pipe, which was my personal favorite to hit. The excitement of the street party carried over into the screenings of the BMX films. Most of the films where fun to watch, although a few where a tad long for my tastes. For myself and a good portion of the audience, the real highlight was Darryl Nau's, Props Day in the Life, which was preceded by a speech from Darryl that got everyone going crazy and feeling good. Sunday I got to check a film called Empire, which showcases NYC's fixed gear scene. It was beautifully shot, and was interesting to see a different side of cycling caught on film. As usual, there was some epic after parties to conclude the action each night. Lots of dancing, too much beer, and plenty of smiles is how I'm going to describe the parties, ad in bikes, movies, art, and friends and it pretty much sums up the weekend. Thanks to Brendt Barbur and friends for making me still have a smile on my face three days later.

I had my camera with me for the street party, so here's some scenes from Saturday. Enjoy.

KINK DEMO | New Rochester Park

There is a new skatepark opening in Rochester which is awesome because that place had nothing when x-dreams closed. This event should be pretty fun considering the gnarly dudes from KINK that will be there. Click the image to go bigger.

Eric Capone | Stranger Grass Roots

Our boy Eric Capone doing it for STRANGER. Fuckin right Eric!

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Pier 62 | No Bike Protest

If you are anywhere near NYC on tuesday evening and ride a bike of any kind, be there. Support the cause.

Friday, June 18, 2010


This is REALLY awesome. Design your own STRANGER shirt design and win a bunch of free STRANGER and LOTEK stuff. If that doesn't sound sick as shit I don't know what does. Fun followed by more fun.

Thursday, June 17, 2010


Get your Cult on now. Whether you were or weren't at any of the premieres this past week you already know this show ruled. I attended the Philadelphia premiere at KFN and I must say that this is probably the best thing I've seen in a long time BMX wise. Get yours NOW at THEM or at EMPIRE. I hope you're ready to ride because you'll want to after viewing this. Dehart's part is the way. Also, check out some questions Robbie answered about the DVD over on DEFGRIP.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

BMX Jam | BFF NY Street Party

This gathering is going to have contests with prizes for Highest Bunnyhop, Individual and Team Long Jump, and Footdown.  An after party is scheduled as well after Saturday's films. Lots of people are headed into town for this as it's one of the locations for the kickoff to the 3rd FBM Gypsy Tour. Should be radical with smiles all around!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Cult Video Premiere | Philadelphia & New York

This should be an excellent watch I'm sure. Check out more info by clicking here. New York info can be found here.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

TLP Derek Brower

Edit I filmed of Derek bicycle riding the Little Devil bowl. This place was our refuge throughout the PA winter.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Franchise Web Video #3

Third installment in a series of web videos from the clothing brand,
Franchise. Features team riders Kyle Emery-Peck, Bob Randel, Sean Ryan,
John Ivers and Jake Honesto. Filmed mostly in the San Francisco Bay Area. This superb edit is by Sean Ryan.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Wormz's Wallride to 180 w/ a Marching Band

This happened yesterday. What great timing.

Video courtesy of Ed Pollio of Group Home Bikes.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Snaps | Vids with a View

Grady hosted a fun night of BMX videos last Saturday on his roof in Little Italy, NYC. There was an awesome turnout for the premiers of Krimzen's -One More, Franchise BMX's - Web Vid #3, AM:PM's - God Hour, and a new 718 joint. Plenty of dudes, even more brews, and even a few babes made for an awesome night, with some good weather to top it all off. All of the videos were sick, shout outs to Sean and Grady for having sick sections. After the festivities on the roof ended, and the all of the yellow bellies were devoured, the party moved to the Fish, where there may or may not have been a bar stool clearing brawl. Summer is definitely off to a good start with nothing but more good times to come. Here are some photos I shot from the night. Ride on.

Monday, May 17, 2010

FBM: Past and Present

FBM posted a bunch of videos from now and back in the day. The road trip in Props issue 65 is one of my favorites.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

NEW 2x4 SITE! | Gannwear Photos

WOW. So much new stuff on the new and improved TwobyFour Website. Be sure to check out the new online store and our own Dan "Gannwear" Kelleher in the news for some awesome flicks shot by Tyler Widdick.