Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Big Air | Mat Hoffman photos

On Saturday April 26, 2010 the Tribeca Film Fest premiered The Birth of Big Air, a documentary about Mat Hoffman and all of the awesome stuff he has done for BMX. The film was really inspiring, and is something every BMX rider, and even non-bmxers should see. Mat really does not care, and is a true legend. The film was produced by Jeff Tremaine, and directed by Spike Jonze and Johnny Knoxville, and they definitely told a great story. Here are some photos from the premier, and the vert demo Mat and friends gave afterwards, where Mat rode for the first time in almost three years after a car crash destroyed his shoulder. The Condor flies again.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Monday, April 19, 2010

The Birth of Big Air | Free NYC Premiere

Relive the bygone days of the drive-in movie theater (minus the car, plus the bike), and enjoy a movie outdoors at the Tribeca Film Festival Drive-in. "Big Air" is going to be shown at the World Financial Plaza in Manhattan. Demos are slated to start at 6:30pm and the official premiere starts at 8pm. Hope to see you there Saturday evening with or without popcorn. Should be a free & sweet treat!


Nice art drawings and thoughts by Taj and Roscoe.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Mutiny | New Site

Mutiny's new site is really awesome. Go look at it.

T-1 Wallets for Aiken

Terrible One is selling a bunch of one of a kind, hand-sewn wallets made of recycled bicycle tubes. All the money goes towards Mike Aiken's med bills.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Karl on Segway

Karl answers some questions on Segway BMX. Too bad there is no photos of him riding a segway.

TLP Photo Feature | Andrew McMullen

Andrew recently made the move to NYC all the way from Seattle, and somehow ended up living in the apartment directly below mine, proving that the world is indeed a small place. I never met him before he moved here, but knew his video and photo work through Defgrip. Since his move, we got to hang out a bunch and I've gotten to see more and more of his stuff, and am constantly impressed with what he is doing. He definitely keeps busy with the multiple video projects he always seems to be working on, but still makes the time to produce some great still images. Andrew and the Defrip crew are also working with the Bike Film Fest, getting together this years BMX films, so that should be a treat. Click the image to see Andrew's point of view.

Thursday, April 8, 2010


3D video off PAWOODS site featuring TLP's own Derek Brower.