Monday, March 28, 2011


Go out and support NEMY, a new BMX specific shop opening in the Philly area. Orchid premier will be awesome. Also check out the video they posted from Ray's. 1:20 is nuts. If you've ever been, you will see why.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011


Jam at FDR on 4/2/2011. More details at 2x4.


Head over to the Extent site. Not only because they are some rad dudes, but Minersville legend Craig Kleckner has a pretty rad helmet cam video up. Box room footage is too good.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Franchise Tumblr

Sean Ryan (my housemate) and the boys at Franchise have a new tumblr going with some sick photos from Cubby, Sean and the rest of the crew.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

House Of Vans | BMX Night

Friday night in Greenpoint, Brooklyn. Be there. Click image to see full flyer.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Summer's Coming

"Winter time is a razor blade, it's the price we pay for the summer time." This is quoted from a James Gang song and sums up perfectly what these seasons mean to me. Thankfully winter is coming to an end, and soon we will be smiling again, enjoying the sunshine with nothing on our bodies but some shorts and a pair of sneakers. Here are a handful of photos from this past trail season. Take them in and prepare for the thaw, summer is coming boys.